Skills Assessment Manager or SAM is a proficiency-based Microsoft Office assessment and training environment. developed by Cengage Learning, SAM 2007 is a Web- based software that provides teaching and learning through real life simulations, and detailed reports on class performances. SAM assessment evaluates the proficiency of students in using Microsoft Office 2007 applications and instructors can make custom exams to demonstrate how to use Microsoft Office 2007. The content of these assessments are performance, hands-on and objective-based questions of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and PowerPoint, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7 and Microsoft Outlook which are all from Course Technology texts. SAM training uses interactive learning methods that allows students to learn in a way that suits them, either by watching, reading or receiving guided help from instructors. It includes visual indicators which informs students on tasks they have already completed. SAM projects is an online application productivity tool that will assess the ability and knowledge of students in using Microsoft Office 2007, it evaluates proficiency in completing Office projects and feedback is given to students in just a few minutes.