对MWD文件扩展名是用于由水手软件创建一个MarinerWrite文件。水手写的是Mac OS X的一个字处理器,并包括水手计算器,在一个表格(表数据)用于分析的信息和组织电子表格应用程序。博特水手写和水手计算器都向公众发布于1990年,已被确定为五分之一的顶端Microsoft Office选择苹果电脑的用户。水手写(水手软件)的创造者,目前位于明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州,并已自那时以来的发展和计算机软件的设计建立的名称。该公司是目前参与创建的新软件产品,即水手无纸化数字文档管理软件,蒙太奇屏幕书写软件,轮廓剧本开发软件,Winjournal桌面博客软件和MacJournal。水手软件专注于生产力与个人和专业软件的支持。它的目的还在于开发软件创意和写作的市场。
Mariner Write is an application specifically made for word processing which was developed by Mariner Software Inc. It requires the user to have Mac OS 10.6 or a higher version together with 50MB of free space for hard disk and a minimum requirement of 512 MB of memory (RAM). It supports several languages including Italian, Swedish, English, French, Japanese and Dutch. It has a customizable tool bar which if you want can be hidden. It allows its user to edit as well as save the document that was created in a wide variety of formats which includes Word. Mariner Write has the ability of merging the data that come from one document with another one. One of its features is the split pane function where the user is allowed to view the different parts of the document, all at the same time.