文件具有.money扩展也被称为货币数据文件。此文件格式是由Jumsoft开发相关联的Apple II的应用程序。这些内容.money文件可以通过Jumsoft钱软件在Mac平台进行访问。该软件保存其数据文件在以下文件夹:/库/ Application Support / Jumsoft /货币/。该软件提供了在QIF,OFX,QFX和CSV格式格式化的数据支持。此应用程序最初是在2003年推出,并成为在小型企业和Mac系统的家庭用户广为流行。用户可以轻松地进行预算计划和监督的实际每天,每周或每月的结果。该组合功能提出了一个用户的共享一张桌子,一张图的选择安全的报价历史记录图表,投资组合的市场价值和世界主要指数'信息的波动。操作计划交易,印刷检查和产生的收入/支出报告也与金钱软件惊喜简单。升级后的版本使用全功能的OS X Lion中的支持,提高了iPhone假唱的功能和较小的错误。
Jumsoft Money is a personal finance management application designed for Mac OS X laptops and desktops with versions for iPhone and iPad available at iTunes. The software doesn't follow the debit-credit journaling of traditional accounting. Instead, it creates separate accounts for specific financial transactions. Budgeting simply tracks target revenues and expenses, and compares them with actual figures. A scheduler sets up recurring payments for specific dates and sends out notifications before they're due. It can generate 13 types of financial reports, including a statement of the person's net worth based on the difference between his or her assets and liabilities. Through Money, users can download their bank statements or print checks based on information provided. Aside from financial management for individuals and small business owners, Money also functions as a virtual stock portfolio that tracks the number of corporate shares that the user bought or sold.