SEO Note is a contact management software that is used for organizing information and storing it in three forms, in text, rich text and html forms. It can also be used in editing information, saving and extract files. It allows users to create one file that contains multiple articles by adding them to a tree-like structure, which stores several documents. It is a tree-like editor, the tree structure is located in a separate window, which contains articles in the form of tree links. When a ink is chosen in the tree structure, the article will appear in the editor window for review or editing. It features a bookmark panel which allows users to create as many trees as they would prefer, and they will be able to store information for editing and review. It is mainly used for structured information, which includes principle of hierarchical structure. It provides access to information stored in these structures, that the users want to work on, to avoid searching numerous articles through the hard disk. Users can also create one SEO Note file and add articles with their own names and separate themes.