
There’s a standard scan that Registry Reviver performs every time you run it, and there’s a secondary scan as well called the Deep Scan. The deep scan is not enabled in Registry Reviver by default; you need to click the Scan button at the top, and select the Deep Scan check box. Then perform the scan.

It’s not always easy to replace your PC. While we at ReviverSoft want you to keep the PC you already own, sometimes it’s necessary to go ahead and replace it. Find out the warning signs in this interactive video.

When you start your PC, several programs launch automatically. These programs are set up to launch this way. However, when a program is removed incorrectly, often your PC will still try to launch it upon startup. That’s because the registry entry remains in your Windows Registry.

The iPhone is not known for its battery life. Find out how to go longer between outlets.

Google+, or Google Plus, is Google’s new social media engine. It’s increasing in popularity, and we have an easy way for you to share our content with the Google+ world.

A Finely Tuned Machine [Infographic]

Learn about PC maintenance and safe computing to ensure your machine is finely tuned.

IPv … What? I Need to Know This Why?

The IPv4 Internet standard is slowly making the transition to IPv6. Find out what all that means to you, and what you need to do about it.

It’s important to not only know how to remove programs from Windows Startup, but also which programs to remove. We run down the most important candidates.

There are six facts we know about Windows 8 at the present time, and here they are. Hopefully, this helps you decide whether or not you want to purchase it.

Help! How do I Fix a Computer Crash?

So you’re PC has crashed. If you’re able to read this article from another PC, we’ve got several steps you can try to fix it. It’s important to get your ailing PC up and running, and we can help.

Optimizing Windows 7

There are a lot of ways to speed up Windows 7, especially if you have a PC that’s three or more years old. Find out how to optimize Windows 7 on your machine in this interactive video.

DVRs are nice, but if you’ve got an old PC lying around, you can make one of your own. with a few simple upgrades and software downloads. Find out how.

There is no doubt, Windows 7 is a substantially better Operating System than Windows Vista and Windows XP, but it is not without it’s peculiarities. We have prepared an infographic listing the most common issues people have with Windows 7 and the most popular solutions for them. Some of these solutions are more technical and some are quick and simple.

Uninstalling Applications

There’s a good chance you have applications on your PC that you no longer need or want. Learn how to uninstall unnecessary applications in this clickable, interactive video.

Chromebooks are cheap laptops with Chrome OS on them, which is Google’s web-based operating system designed to run in the cloud. Find out the pluses and minuses of Chromebooks.

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