Bibdesk is used for editing and managing bibliography. It is a reference management software that keeps track of bibliographic information and its associated files and Web links. It is an open source project and is well suited for LaTex users. Bibdesk is used in reference management by managing the bibliographic data, publication details like the publication type, Web pages, local files, links, PDFs, abstracts or any other detail related to the publication. It features a search field which filters all the entries for the words or terms the user enters. The advanced option includes full text search of PDF files that are associated to the bibliography entries, and also the smart group which is set-up by the user to show pulications that match certain keywords. The import features of the software allows importing of simple text files, BibTex and RIS files which users can download from numerous scientific Web sites. Its advanced features are integrated with online resources that extracts bibliographic information from Web pages and gives direct access to library catalogues and other publication sites. Its export features helps in sharing and publishing bibliographic information. It can export using standard publication formats such as BibTex, EndNote or RIS, provide PDF files, and copies text to the clipboard which can be pasted into the document. It also exports to HTML and RSS for bibliography sharing.
Wandora generally has graphical user interface, a useful instrument to create and manage Topic Maps (ISO 13250) and Java v6, and it is a FOSS apllication licensed with GNU GPL. Presentation of knowledge, several options for data storage, data export, import and extraction capabilities, and open plug-in architecture is also covered in the software. It enables you to dynamically broadcast Topic Maps quickly because it has implanted HTTP server with various modules and open plug-in architecture. Specially designed for ontologies construction and mashup informations, Wandora enables you to extract and convert wide range of ope data that feeds to Topic Map formats. You can also improve mulitidimensional information mashups wherein Flickr information incorporates with GeoNames and YouTube informatios. It runs in Mac, Windows and Linux and supports OBO flat file v1.2 format and can convert OBO files, like Gene Ontology, to a topic map and vice versa. Wandora also combines OBO, RDF(S), and Topic Map resources suited to OBO visualizations and knowledge mashups.