第m個文件擴展名是被稱為派生數學文件,其中包括通過加載派生價值和功能。導出是一個計算機代數系統。它提供了精確的運算,因式分解,部分分式展開,方程求解,二維和三維彩色圖,導數,積分,微分方程,泰勒和傅里葉級數,拉普拉斯變換,向量和矩陣。它會顯示一個空白的界面中插入數字,表達式,符號和創建計算所需的一切。在MTH格式的文件可以打開與德州儀器導出在Microsoft Windows平台。 DFW是使用派生另一個文件擴展名。這是僅適用於Windows和DOS平台上推出,並同時使用,因為它很少的內存對於TI的袖珍計算器。由軟倉庫在夏威夷檀香山,後來由得克薩斯Intsruments擁有基於muMATH它被開發。它已於2007年終止離開派生6.1作為它的最後一個版本。 TI NSPIRE替換派生數學軟件。
As of this writing, further development has been discontinued for Texas Instruments Derive, which is an educational application that was last sold in June 2007 by its developer, Texas Instruments, though support will continue to be provided by Texas Instruments to users of Derive. Similar features, compatibility support and functionalities that are available in the last version of Derive can be found in some of the recent applications from Texas Instruments. Most of these features and compatibility functionalities can be found in Texas Instruments Nspire among other latest releases from this developer, though improvements and upgrades of these functionalities have been incorporated into these applications. Texas Instruments Derive can still be found integrated or bundled with older hardware devices that were manufactured and released by Texas Instruments before mid 2007.