Borland Reflex is a spreadsheet analyzer and data management software used for sorting and searching through data. It presents its data viewable in 5 ways, List, Crosstab, Graph, Form and Report. In the List view, data is presented in a spreadsheet format where each data occupies a line and is categorized in a column, the Crosstab view creates breakdowns, summaries and compares data, it is useful for data analysis, the Graph view displays bar, line, scatter, pie graphs and cumulative bars, in the Form view users can set the fields with information they want to keep track, simple commands can be used to move the fields, create a custom form and enter formulas for the Reflex to calculate, and the Report view features a preview of the report for printing so users may alter or modify it without the use of a printed copy. Reflex offers a wide selection for reports like calculated column headers, flexible formatting, subtotal groupings with various summary measures, introductions, footers, conclusions and selective printing of report rows where users can make various report definitions for each database. All of these views are integrated so for automatic changes in the database. To install Borland Reflex, it requires an IBM PC or compatible, IBM Color Graphics Adapter, IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter, or a Hercules Graphics Card, 384K RAM and two diskette drives.