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Why does my microphone not working

Asked by
Liora Bajaio
2013/09/05 14:29
0 Like It
When I connect an external microphone to the jack, it is not working. I can see it in the "Sound" tab, but the levels is very low. I have tried with several microphones.
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Answered by
Rosita Maano
2018/11/06 19:54

0 votes

I do not know what I do to make la.mia.m

icrofono el yuotuove non.sente pore el saund


Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2015/11/22 11:54

0 votes

Hi Liora,

Follow the below steps to resolve this issue:
  1. Click on the Windows symbol in the bottom-left of the screen (square number 1 in the image below), and then click on control panel (square number 2 in the image below).
  2. Changing the default recording device in Windows XP
  3. Click on “Hardware and Sound”.
  4. Hardware and Sound in Windows 7
  5. Under “Sound” click on “Manage Audio Devices”.
  6. Enter Manage Audio Devices Screen in Windows 7
  7. Click on the “Recording” tab.
  8. Recording Tab in Audio Devices Screen in Windows 7
  9. Now you will see a list of recording devices. Try speaking into your microphone, and look for green bars rising while you talk (see screenshot).
  10. Indication by Green Bars Moving Windows 7
  11. If you have seen green bars rising while you spoke that means your microphone is properly configured.
  12. If you didn’t see any green bars while you spoke into the mic, keep following the instructions.
  13. See if you can recognize which one of the devices in the list is your microphone. Perform the next instructions for that one. If that doesn’t work or you’re not sure which device is your microphone, perform the instructions for all the devices one by one.
  14. Click on the relevant device to highlight it, and then click on “Set Default”.
  15. Set Default Recording Device in Windows 7
  16. Double-click on the device and in the window that opens up click on the “Levels” tab.
  17. Enter Microphone Levels Tab in Windows 7
  18. Drag the slider all the way to the right, until the number ‘100’ is displayed beside it.
  19. Volume / Levels slider in Windows 7
  20. Click “OK”.
  21. Now check again if you see green bars rising when you talk into the microphone: if you do, your mic is now properly configured.
  22. Indication by Green Bars Moving Windows 7

    I hope this helps.


Answered by
Dave Kolberg
2015/07/20 23:09

0 votes

have you tried another port and  updating your sound video and audio drivers,and sound manager could be giving priority to your line in port just a thought. thanks


Answered by
Matt Edwards
2014/10/23 09:16

0 votes

Here is what I'm looking for!


Answered by
Matt Edwards
2014/10/23 08:57

0 votes

Here is what I'm looking for!



1 vote

Thank you guys, I found the answer to my question here.

Commented by
Mark Beare
2014/01/09 06:42
Good to hear!

Answered by
Mark Beare
2013/09/06 04:58

0 votes

Hi Liora, There is a volume level for each sound output device on your computer and the volume for your microphone jack sounds like it is set to a low level. Try going to the bottom right hand corner of your computer screen. There is an icon down there that looks like a speaker and right click on it. You should have an option for \'Open Volume Mixer\', click on that. You will then see the volume levels for all of your audio outputs which should include your microphone output. Adjust that to the level you want and that should fix the problem for you! Hope that helps! Mark

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